Comic will update once a week starting August 1 until 2024.

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Mythical Emma
Posted July 23, 2024 at 12:00 am

I'm at a family reunion for 4-5 days this week, which is making it difficult to handle my contract work and comics. As such, I'm doing a little illustration update for Crow Time & Namesake.

I am a bit frustrated by my lack of buffer. I lost it all while I was sick, and I've been trying to catch up ever since. I feel amazed at how my past self used to do 3 pages per week lol. I currently only have comics and about 25 hours of contract work per week and everything still feels impossible. That's the consequences of big sick + burn out I suppose. Thanks for your patience!

Posted May 15, 2021 at 01:16 am

Hey everyone! Last year, we polled folks online and on Patreon on what our next plush Kickstarter will be, and y'all picked cute plush wolves! While we are not ready to do that Kickstarter yet, we decided to do a limited run of the wolves! If this initial sale does well, we hope to produce more. Please check these cute wolves out. They are square and soft and love long walks in the woods, cozy bedrooms, and cuddling with Mothmen and Cheshire Cats.